Convex or concave?

Convex or concave

Does this picture look to be a hole, or a hill?

Quick Question!

A plane crashed right on the border of Canada and the U.S – where do they bury the survivors?

Graffiti Stair illusion

Graffiti Stairs illusion

Graffiti Stairs illusion

The One Who riddle

The one who makes it sells it;

The one who buys it doesn’t use it;

The one who’s using it doesn’t know he’s using it;

What is it?


Face-vase illusion

Check out this optical illusion of a face vase. Do you see 2 faces, or a vase?


Which soldier is tallest??

Which soldier is tallest??

What am I?

When you have me,

you feel like sharing me.

But, if you do share me,

you don’t have me.

What am I?

Window Illusion

Window Illusion

Does this window open to the left, or right?

Great and Evil

What is greater than God,

More evil than the devil,

The poor have it,

The rich don’t need it,

And if you eat it, you’ll die?

Stairway Illusion2

Stairway Illusion

Stairway Illusion