Young Lady Old Lady

Young Lady Old Lady Illusion

Can you see the Young woman and the Old lady in this picture…?

One Two Three…

What row of numbers comes next in this series?


Answer: 1113213211 (after the first line, each line describes the previous line…line1 = One One ; line2 = Two Ones ; line3 = One Two, and One One ; line4 = One One, One Two, and Two Ones; and so on…

Crossing the stream

A man went on a trip with a fox, a goose, and a sack of corn.

He came upon a stream which he had to cross and found a tiny boat to use to cross the stream.

He could only take himself and one other – the fox, the goose, or the corn – at a time. He could not leave the fox alone with the goose, or the goose alone with the corn.

How does he get all safely over the stream?


¡ǝuop – ɹǝʌo ǝsoob ǝɥʇ ǝʞɐʇ ˙ǝsoob ǝɥʇ ʇǝb oʇ ǝuoןɐ ʞɔɐq ǝɯoɔ puɐ ɹǝʌo uɹoɔ ǝɥʇ ǝʞɐʇ ʍou ˙ʞɔɐq ǝsoob ǝɥʇ buıɹq puɐ ɹǝʌo xoɟ ǝɥʇ ǝʞɐʇ uǝɥʇ ˙ʞɔɐq ǝɯoɔ puɐ ʇsɹıɟ ɹǝʌo ǝsoob ǝɥʇ ǝʞɐʇ :ɹǝʍsuɐ

Stairway Illusion1

Escher's ascending and descending stairs

Escher’s stairs – are they ascending or descending?

What Am I?

Feed me and I Live

Give me Drink and I Die

What Am I?